Monday, 28 March 2011

Training week ending 27th March

Excellent week, two long mountain bike runs and two gym sessions.

Fridays gym session concentrated on legs too, single leg squats meant agony all weekend but a quick run out to Worcestershire Beacon with Jo and Phoebe on Sunday eased the pain...

Cycling this week has been a joy with beautiful mornings, see pic below.

View from Bank Top towards Bredon 6.30am 

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Training week ending 20th March

View South of the Walk Ahead
Real good effort. this week, made up for last week. 3 outings on the mountain bike and 2 upper body weight sessions at the gym.

Plus today, Sam and I arrived at North Hill, Malvern at 7.15am, we reached the Beacon by 7.45am then headed South for a Ridge Walk to British Camp. A ridge walk is where you ignore all pathways and take the straightest route over each hill, so in other words the steepest and highest point.

We had reached British Camp in just under two hours, turned round then did it all again on the way back. Sam was terrific and we both enjoyed the day. Total today was 11.75 miles in 4 hours a very good time.

Rest tomorrow deffo.
What's in the rucksack?

Sam and I at the Beacon 7.45am

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Training week ending 15th March

Bad week, two very busy weekends led to no training this week, but not a bad thing the intensity can be raised next week with a long ridge walk planned for Sunday 20th, will post pictures.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Training week ending 6th March

A good solid week of training for me, two gym sessions, one power walk and three outings on the mountain bike.

This weekend saw Sam's 14th Birthday, so with 5 friends staying on Saturday night there was no available option for a hike together on Sunday.